Keeping Guard Read online

Page 5

  Nate nodded and wiped his mouth. “I’m sure this guy will be caught soon and you’ll be able to resume your life.”

  If only Kylie could be that certain. She licked her lips and leaned back in her chair. “So, you’ve heard all about me. Tell me about this place. Your father opened it, correct?”

  “Twenty years ago. This was his big dream that he saved his entire life for. Finally, he quit his job at the motor plant where he worked on the assembly line and opened this place. Spent every cent of his savings and retirement here.”

  “Wow. That’s a great story. I always like hearing about people pursuing their dreams. Was the restaurant everything he’d hoped it would be?”

  “My dad loved it. It was more than a restaurant for him. This place was like a big old kitchen table where people would come and gather around. It didn’t matter if he knew you or not. As soon as you walked through the doors, you were his guest.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” She shifted in her seat. “Do you mind if I ask what happened to your father?”

  The smile disappeared from Nate’s face, a grim expression replacing it. “Three years ago, he had a heart attack. The doctor diagnosed him with coronary heart disease. In five months, he deteriorated quickly. Then the second heart attack hit a year after the first one. That one killed him on the spot.”

  “That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

  “At least I still have this place. It makes me feel close to Dad, like his spirit is still here overseeing everything.”

  “Where’s your mom?”

  “She died when I was a kid. Cancer.”

  Cancer. Every time Kylie heard the word, she felt a pang of sadness and grief and understanding. “You must have been an only child.”

  “The doctors told my parents they’d never have kids. But to their surprise, when my mom turned thirty-nine, she found out she was pregnant.”

  Kylie took the last bite of her omelet. “I’m sure it was the best surprise she could have ever gotten.”

  Nate smiled. “That’s what she always said.”

  Silence fell again and Kylie wiped her mouth. She stood, her chair shrieking against the floor. “That was delicious, but I guess I should get busy in the kitchen.”

  Nate grabbed her hand. “Wait.”

  Kylie ignored the jolt of electricity that rushed through her and paused, her heart racing for no good reason. “Yes?”

  “Could you sit back down for a minute?

  Kylie nodded and obeyed, a sick feeling forming in her gut. Conversations like this always put her on edge, and Nate’s eyes look far too worried for her comfort. “Yes?”

  “I’ve been thinking about you…about your situation, I mean.” His fingers locked together on the table, like a father’s might before a stern talk. “I really think it’s best that, while you’re here, you don’t go anywhere alone. This man who’s been after you is obviously unstable. I want you to feel safe here, but the reality is that until this man is behind bars, you’re better to be cautious.”

  Indignation rushed through her. She’d fought for her entire life to get to the place she was today. She’d overcome the stereotypes that came with being petite, soft-spoken and kind. She’d risen up from the hardships she’d endured and shown she was capable and confident and savvy. The last thing she needed was someone trying to take that from her.

  Kylie swallowed, choosing her words carefully. “Thank you for your concern. I realize that I need to take every precaution possible. I do. But the last thing I need is someone dictating where I go and when and with whom.”

  Nate’s eyes flickered, though Kylie wasn’t sure what the emotion was behind them. Anger? Curiosity? Admiration? “Kylie, I really think it would be in your best interest to listen to me on this one.”

  She bristled. She was wise enough to know she didn’t need to wear a bull’s-eye on her back or act like a sitting duck, so to speak. “I’ve been living on my own for seven years now. I think I can trust my own instincts and make my own decisions.”

  Nate cleared his throat and when he spoke again, his voice sounded lower. “This isn’t about making your own decisions. It’s about being smart and staying safe.”

  “I assure you that I’ll use the utmost wisdom.” Kylie tried to suppress her frustration. Her efforts didn’t work. Her hands clenched into fists.

  Nate closed his eyes, as if frustrated himself. “Kylie, I’m not trying to tell you what to do.”

  “It sounds like that’s exactly what you’re trying to do.” She took a deep breath and softened her voice. “I appreciate you letting me stay here, Nate, and I’m more than happy to help out at the restaurant to pay for room and board. But I don’t need a guardian or someone telling me what to do.”

  “I think you’re misunderstanding me—”

  “Maybe this isn’t the best time to talk about this.” She stood and hurried into the kitchen before she said something she’d regret and began prepping for the day.

  Nate watched Kylie walk away and shook his head.

  The Coast Guard had taught him a lot about rescuing people. Some people were anxious for your help, and even after the mission was over they’d make it their mission to publicly thank you and tell others about what you’d done. Others were more difficult. Some people tried to pull you underwater in their panic to be saved. Still other people wanted to be rescued but were too afraid to take the necessary steps, too afraid to trust you. Sometimes you had to literally knock them out in order to save their lives.

  Kylie was obviously going to fall into the “difficult to rescue” category. She wanted help, but she wanted to save herself at the same time. She’d been forced to trust him but wasn’t sure how far to take that trust. Nate could understand that. But he also knew that the most important thing was keeping her safe, whether she wanted his help or not.

  He sighed, ready for the challenge but not the drama that might come with it.

  He gathered the plates on the table and bused them into the kitchen. Kylie stood with her back toward him, chopping carrots and onions. By the force of her chopping, she made a clear statement that she did not want to be bothered. Nate was fine with that. If he spoke to Kylie now, the words that left his mouth might not be kind.

  He went about his tasks to prepare for opening. The crowds were always bigger on Saturdays than weekdays, so they prepared for more. By ten o’clock, the rest of the staff wandered in, looking less than thrilled to be working today. The sun did shine bright outside this morning and the weatherman had promised some of the nicest weather they’d had since last fall. Most people didn’t want to spend days like today inside.

  At noon, customers began coming in, most of them tourists visiting for the day. Being busy probably benefited both Nate and Kylie because, in the rush of things, chances for more unpleasant exchanges were limited.

  He noticed Kylie seemed to warm up toward the rest of the staff while completely avoiding him. She was efficient in the kitchen though, so he couldn’t complain. He wished he could hire someone with her work ethic permanently. When would Kylie be leaving? Possibly in just a couple of days.

  When they finally had a lull in customers, Nate excused himself and went upstairs to his apartment. He picked up his cell phone and dialed Bruce’s number. He’d been thinking about everything that Kylie had told him and now he wanted the inside scoop from his friend.

  Bruce answered on the first ring, his voice tight, worried.

  Nate assured him everything was okay. “I want to ask you about this man who’s been following Kylie. She told me he broke into her house yesterday.”

  “We searched for clues as to this guy’s identity, but we haven’t found anything yet. Whoever he is, he’s good. Leaves no detail unnoticed. He’s been like that since the be ginning.”

  Nate narrowed his eyes. “Everyone screws up sometime. Everyone.”

  “That’s what we’re counting on.”

  Nate shifted his weight, looking out his window at three cars that pulled in front of the restaurant. They’d need his help downstairs soon, but right now he had to get more information. “Any update on the sting?”

  “It’s scheduled for Friday. We want to make sure we do this right, with no mistakes.” Bruce’s voice held no room for question. “I’m afraid that if this guy ever sees Kylie again, her life will be on the line. This isn’t someone who’s just playing a game anymore. This guy is obsessed.”

  Nate bristled at his friend’s words, at once glad that Kylie was here. “You think this guy knows where she went?”

  “We’re telling people she’s on a road trip, trying to get some more inspiration and do some research for her cooking show. I won’t feel safe until this guy is behind bars. He always seems to be one step ahead of us.”

  One step ahead of them. Maybe this guy was someone who knew Kylie personally or who could eavesdrop on her at work. “There was nothing in her apartment that would indicate where she’d gone, right? Do we need to find somewhere else for her to stay?”

  “No, we don’t think so. She said the only place she wrote your address down was on her notebook, but she tore that sheet off and brought it with her. We think she’s safe. Believe me, the moment I start thinking she’s in danger again, you’ll be one of the first people who knows.” Bruce paused a moment. “How’s it going so far? Is she holding up okay?”

  Nate contemplated his answer. “She’s jumpy, which is to be expected. But she’s been a big help in the kitchen. When I suggested, however, that she go nowhere alone, she got a bit miffed at me.”

  “She doesn’t like people fussing over her. But she doesn’t have much choice in this situation. Besides, she’ll get over it. She always does.”

  “Good to know. Thanks, Bruce.”

  “Call me anyti
me, especially if anything suspicious happens. In the meantime, I’ll keep you updated on what’s happening here. I hope to end this nightmare once and for all.”

  “For Kylie’s sake, I hope you do, too.”

  He hung up the phone and tried not to think about the possibility that Kylie’s stalker had any clue she was here in Yorktown. But Bruce’s words rang in his head. He always seems to be one step ahead of us. Nate prayed he wasn’t one step ahead of them this time.


  Kylie scrubbed the inside of the refrigerator with enough tenacity to even make a military man proud.

  Anything beat talking to Nate at this point, and since the dining room was empty and the fridge needed to be cleaned, she decided to stay busy rather than risk a conversation. He was proving himself to be bossy and overprotective, two qualities that she abhorred.

  Yet why did she seem drawn to those very types? She scrubbed even harder. Her ex-boyfriend had been the alpha male type. But the strength she’d originally been attracted to she’d eventually begun to despise. Colin liked to assert himself, tell her what to do, even what to wear and who to hang out with. Thankfully, she’d realized the wrong path that relationship was taking early enough to get out. She’d never put herself in that position again. She scrubbed harder as she thought about it. Why had she allowed herself to be treated like that?

  She threw the scrub brush back into a bucket, satisfied that there wasn’t a crumb out of place, and glanced at the clock. Closing time. Without a word to Nate, she climbed the stairs to her apartment.

  Kylie took a long shower to get the smell of grease out of her hair. Then she put on some comfy sweats and a sweatshirt and plopped in a mustard-yellow swivel chair, the most comfortable thing she could find in the apartment, other than her bed.

  She stared at the empty apartment. No sofa, no TV, no radio. What was she going to do with herself? And tomorrow was Sunday. Nate had informed her that the restaurant was closed on Sundays, which meant she had an entire day to do nothing.

  She’d overheard customers today talking about how nice the weather was supposed to be all weekend. Perhaps she could explore Yorktown a little bit, get some fresh air.

  She twirled around in the chair as Nate’s admonishment played in her head. No, going out alone wouldn’t be wise. Perhaps one of the waitresses, either Carrie or Suzy, was available? Probably not. They were in their early twenties and seemed more like the type to go clubbing than show a twenty-nine-year-old around an historical area.

  Kylie sighed and sank deeper into the stiff chair. She pictured what she might be doing if she were at home right now. She’d probably be at a movie with her best friend, Dina. If not, it would only be because her producer, Larry, had pestered her into working overtime to come up with some new recipes for the show.

  She had to credit much of the success of the show to Larry, though his overly ambitious ways drove her crazy most of the time. Both Larry and Dina had known about her stalker and tried to keep her safe—and occupied, which Kylie appreciated.

  A knock at the door put Kylie on edge. She glanced at her watch. Eleven-thirty? Who would be knocking on her door at this hour? Only Nate had a key to unlock the restaurant door, but still, intruders could be clever, silent on the prowl.

  Kylie grabbed the only weapon she could find—a lamp—and crept toward the door. The knock came again, more quickly this time. She licked her lips, trying to find her words.

  “Kylie, it’s me, Nate. Open up.” He paused. “Please.”

  Nate? She let out the breath she held and jerked the door open, scowling as she did so. “Yes?”

  His gaze wandered to her hand. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “I’m just being cautious.” She put the lamp on the table and turned back to him. “Do you need something?”

  He jammed his hands into his jean pockets. “I thought you might need a ride to church tomorrow.”

  “That’s nice of you, but I don’t go to church. I haven’t been in years.”

  His face registered surprise. “Oh, I just assumed…”

  Kylie shrugged. “It’s okay. I appreciate the offer.”

  He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Do you need anything?”

  “A time machine, so I can fast-forward until after this man is caught and I can finally live again.”

  Nate frowned and shook his head. “I’d give you one if I had it. But since I don’t, you’re stuck with me for a while.”

  Kylie frowned also. “Stuck with him” was just the phrase she’d use.

  Nate was surprised when he walked downstairs Sunday morning and saw Kylie waiting at the back door, looking lovely in crisp slacks and a flowing white blouse. Her long dark hair had been pulled back in a clip and small earrings dangled from her ears.

  “Morning,” he muttered when he reached her by the door.

  Her gaze only fluttered to his. “Morning. I changed my mind about church. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course it is. I’m glad you’re coming.” Truth was, he’d been utterly surprised by her flat rejection last night. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but Kylie just seemed like the kind of girl who went to church. Hearing that she didn’t really threw him for a loop.

  “I was hoping we might stop at the store afterward, if that’s okay. I need to pick up a few things.”

  “No problem.”

  He unlocked the door and extended his arm outside. “Ladies first.”

  As she stepped outside, Nate caught a whiff of her perfume, which smelled like sweet flowers on a spring day. He caught himself wanting to stand there and absorb the scent for a little longer.

  Instead, he locked up the building and directed Kylie to his truck, a well-used model that just begged for a construction project so it could haul stuff around. He opened the door for Kylie, catching the scent of her perfume again as she slid inside. A few minutes later they were rumbling down the road. Kylie sat beside him with her hands folded in her lap, her gaze focused out the window.

  “Sleep okay?” He tried to start up at least a semblance of a conversation.

  “I haven’t slept well in six months.” Her eyes remained fixed outside. Finally, her head swiveled toward him. “That may be the reason I’ve been a little testy lately. Sorry if I’ve bitten your head off. I don’t quite feel like myself.”

  “Stress can do that to a person.”

  “I know, but it’s still no excuse for treating someone poorly.” She rubbed her fingers together in her lap, as if in deep thought.

  “Apology accepted, then. I’m not always the most pleasant person to be around at the restaurant either, so I probably don’t deserve that apology.” He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he pulled to a stop at a deserted intersection.

  Kylie drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “So, tell me about your church.”

  “You’ll love it. It’s smallish, but the people are great. We just got a new pastor a few months ago and he can preach a great sermon.”

  “I look forward to it then.”

  He ventured forward with the question that had been on his mind since last night. “So you really don’t go to church back in Lexington?”

  She shook her head. “Not very often. I always tell myself I should get back in the habit, yet I never seem to do it. No good reason. I guess I’ve just gotten lazy…or maybe lukewarm.”

  “It’s easy to let that happen.”

  She raised a brow and sighed. “It sure is. Too easy.”

  He wanted to ask her more, but didn’t. She’d share more about her spiritual walk if she wanted to. The rest of the trip was silent until he finally pulled up to the steepled brick building where he’d been attending church for the last twenty years.

  “Cute,” Kylie mumbled as she climbed out. “Reminds me of a postcard.”

  Inside, Nate introduced Kylie to several people, explaining that she was trying to get some restaurant experience. He didn’t want anyone else to know the real reason she was here. The last thing he needed was people asking questions or going digging for more information.

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