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High-Stakes Holiday Reunion Page 16
High-Stakes Holiday Reunion Read online
Page 16
She shook her head. “This is all crazy.”
“I know.”
Christopher shifted beside her. “Why come out tonight and let us know who you are?”
“It was time. I realized you weren’t working for the other side. I’m going to be in and out, but I’ll help you when I can.”
“Is there something you know that you want to tell us?” Ashley asked.
“Your brother and nephew are on the move. They don’t stay anywhere for very long. Those men want you, for some reason. You need to be careful. Very careful.”
Ashley nodded, her shivers intensifying.
Death was chasing her.
The question was: Would it ever catch her?
After Ed left, Christopher found Bruce tied up in the shed. Apparently, he’d been knocked unconscious but unharmed. Christopher had welcomed the chance to be away from Ashley and the whirlwind of emotions she always brought with her, even for just a moment.
How could she?
He couldn’t stop asking himself that question. But at the same time, he had to focus on the bigger picture right now. How was he going to find his son and keep him safe?
He walked back into the cabin and spotted Ashley sitting on the couch, her knees pulled to her chest, and a far-off look in her eyes.
He didn’t want to feel sorry for her. He really didn’t.
But his heart couldn’t help but pang with compassion.
“If I had my way, I wouldn’t be around you right now,” he started. “It’s going to take me some time to process everything that’s happened.”
She blanched. “I deserve that.”
“But we don’t have any choice but to work together. Not if we want what’s best for David. My son.”
“Our son.” Her features looked strained as she said the words. Suddenly, she sat up straighter, a new light in her eyes. “Maybe we can switch roles with these men. Maybe we can chase them for a change.”
Her words caused him to freeze. “How? And what would that prove?”
She shrugged. “Lure them out and then follow them. Maybe they’d lead us to David. Maybe they’d at least lead us to someone who could tell us where David is.”
He shook his head, thinking that sounded like the worst idea ever. “I don’t know if we’d be able to lure them out, Ash. As soon as they spotted us, they would just shoot.”
“Not if they didn’t know it was us. Not if we were hard to recognize. I know we still wouldn’t have much time. But it’s better than nothing, isn’t it?”
He shook his head. It was true. It was something. But so many things could go wrong. “I don’t know...”
“Think about it, at least.” She stood. “In the meantime, can I use the computer? I want to think through a few ideas.”
“The less you’re on the computer, the better. Whoever these guys are, they seem to know their way around the web. Even with the firewalls I have, I worry that they’ll somehow trace you.”
“I’ll be quick. Only a few minutes.”
He stared at her another moment before finally nodding. “Please, be quick. Until these guys are behind bars, we need to take every precaution possible.”
He grabbed the laptop from his room and handed it to Ashley. Then he kept himself busy by making some coffee. There was no more sleeping for him tonight. His adrenaline was pumping too hard.
They did need another plan of action. But what? Was Ashley’s idea one worth considering? Or would it just get them killed?
He didn’t know.
“What...?” Ashley gasped.
That familiar tension returned to his shoulders. He strode up behind Ashley, wondering what was wrong.
“This can’t be right,” she muttered.
“Someone drained all the money from my bank account.”
He peered closer. Sure enough, all the money was gone. Not only that, but someone had overdrafted by hundreds of dollars.
“With the right technology and know-how, you can do anything. Someone obviously hacked into the bank’s system and stole your identity.” The question was: Had her very own brother done that? Even the CIA was investigating him.
But he knew Josh, and couldn’t imagine him ever doing anything that might harm his sister. Perhaps someone had put the deposit in Josh’s bank account in the same way they’d taken money from Ashley’s. Maybe someone had set him up.
“I’ve got to see if there are any messages from David again.”
“Don’t click on them if there are. That’s the only computer I’ve got.”
She nodded and began tapping away. She leaned toward the screen. “I don’t believe it.”
Did he want to know? “What now?”
“It’s an email from Damian. He said there’s more to come if I don’t give up the information.”
“What information?”
“I have no idea.” She glanced up at him. “But this could be just the bait I need.”
* * *
Ashley shifted nervously as the wind hit her. She leaned against the railing of the outdoor ice skating rink, trying to look casual.
Only a few feet away stood Christopher. He wore a baseball cap and an oversize coat. He stood close enough to help her, need be, but far enough away that it didn’t look like they were together. All around the rink, there were undercover law-enforcement officials, each looking casual and unassuming.
The plan had been set in motion. It had taken a lot of prodding and some quick planning, but here they were. The FBI, the local police, and Eyes had all gotten involved.
This was a gamble. Ashley knew that. But she was running out of options.
So many things could go wrong. Christopher had said that much.
Even as mad as he was at her, Ashley knew that he didn’t want any harm to come to her.
Her breath came out in a frosty puff in front of her as Ashley watched, from across the way, a woman approach the rink. She wore Ashley’s coat, was approximately her height, and had a wig on. She also wore a bulletproof vest under all of her other layers.
Ashley’s stomach twisted with anxiety. Would this actually work?
It felt like her last hope. She desperately wanted to take this game of chase into her own hands. She’d never find her son if all she did was run from the bad guys.
Her gaze scanned the area again, looking for a sign of something suspicious. A man in a black overcoat approached the opposite side of the rink. Was this man one of His People?
Christopher peered over the top of his newspaper. Ashley attempted to take another sip of her coffee, but her hands trembled so badly she feared they’d give her away.
So many things could go wrong.
But they wouldn’t. She had to stay positive.
There were various agents waiting in cars around the complex. As soon as the men took off, they’d follow them. Hopefully, they’d get some answers.
She’d had to beg Christopher to even let her come at all. She knew it was a risky move being here, but she’d never been very good at being passive. Being passive would not lead her back to David.
A few more people joined the skating rink fun. Most of them went directly to the ice. Ashley noticed another man, this one wearing a black leather jacket, who sat on a bench not too far away.
Was he one of the men who’d chased them at the mall? One of the men the police were looking for? Perhaps it was Babyface or Bruno. She couldn’t tell from where she stood.
Her throat burned as she swallowed. Luckily, most children were in school right now. But there were still enough innocent bystanders around that things could turn ugly.
Please protect everyone, she prayed silently. And please forgive me for not telling Christop
her sooner. Please help me to forgive myself.
After seeing the look in Christopher’s eyes—the utter devastation—she’d had a moment of 20/20 hindsight. She should have told him from the start.
What if he never got to meet his son?
There she went again. She had to think positive.
Two men approached the decoy.
This was the moment, Ashley realized, when they’d find out if their plan worked or not.
The men closed in around the woman in the distance. Around them, people skated, totally clueless as to what was going on. Clueless about the danger that could erupt.
Ashley’s gaze focused on another man who’d joined the area. He wore a blue coat and a ball cap. He didn’t look familiar.
So why did Ashley have a feeling he was a part of all of this somehow? She kept her gaze on him.
He pulled out a cell phone and began talking to someone. His gaze was on the two decoys. Was he an Eyes agent? FBI? Or His People?
The other two men moved closer and closer. With the utmost professionalism, the men from Eyes blended in, not showing a sign that they were actually soldiers and law enforcement.
Her gaze went back to the man in the blue coat. She tried to make eye contact with Christopher, but his hat was pulled down low. He was attuned to everything happening with the setup.
It worked. They’d lured the men out of hiding.
But now what? Her hands shook harder until finally she threw away her coffee, put her phone in her pocket, and shoved her hands in after it.
Something shiny gleamed from beneath one of the men in black’s jacket. A gun. He was going to shoot.
“Everybody down!” someone yelled.
Nervous gasps and screams spread through the crowd. One of the men raised his gun, no longer hiding its presence. He aimed at one of the decoys and fired.
Screams from the crowd became louder as people scrambled away.
Her gaze went back to the man in the blue jacket. He remained there, unmoving. Just what was his role in all of this?
The Eyes agents drew their weapons.
The man in blue took a step away.
Ashley hurried toward Christopher. “Come on.”
“What are you doing?”
“We’ve got to follow him!”
“Just trust me!”
Christopher began jogging beside her. The man in blue spotted them and took off in a sprint. Ashley’s legs burned as they chased him through the streets of downtown Norfolk. He darted across an intersection. Ashley looked both ways. It would be tight, but...
Drivers leaned on their horns, letting them know their displeasure at being stopped. But Ashley and Christopher kept going.
As they ran, Christopher pulled out his phone and explained to someone what they were doing. Ashley heard him muttering something about needing a car.
The man turned the corner, out of sight for a moment. Christopher grabbed her hand. His legs were longer than hers, but he pulled her along, not letting her slow down.
She didn’t want to lose any momentum, even though her lungs screamed and her muscles ached. They had to follow this man.
Sirens sounded from across town. What was going on at the skating rink? She’d have to wait to find out.
The man came into sight again. This time, he had a gun in his hand. A bullet fired past them.
“Get down!” Christopher pulled her behind a car as another spray of bullets flew past them. She huddled behind a tire, her hands covering her head. Her heart beat furiously and she could hardly take a deep enough breath to fill her lungs.
Christopher peered up.
“He’s getting into a car,” Christopher muttered. “He’s going to get away.”
* * *
Christopher’s heart pounded in his chest. The man couldn’t get away. He might be their only link to finding his son.
Above them, the windshield of the car shattered as another bullet pierced the air. But his gun remained in his holster. The last thing Christopher wanted was to open fire in a busy metropolitan area. There was too much risk for casualties.
Ashley gasped beside him as another bullet flew past them. People ran screaming from the area. They scattered with fear.
The entire downtown seemed to be holding its breath, waiting for whatever would happen next.
They had to chase that vehicle. Now.
Just then, a car squealed around the corner and stopped beside them. Denton peered out the driver’s-side window. “Get in!”
They hopped into the backseat just as Denton peeled off down the street. The car in front of them swerved before weaving in and out of traffic. Denton stayed on their trail.
Beside him, Ashley gripped the seat with terror, each turn tossing her across the car. Quickly, Christopher reached across her and strapped her seat belt over her. He then pulled on his own. This was going to be a wild ride.
Denton was capable, but they had to take every precaution.
The car in front of them turned sharply onto a street and gunned the engine. Cars swerved out of the way to miss the oncoming vehicle.
Denton threw on brakes, turning quickly to keep up with the car. The car fishtailed before righting itself. Ashley gripped his arm with white knuckles, her eyes as big as full moons.
Certainly she had to be reliving the accident that had nearly killed her. He gripped her hand, trying to bring her back to reality. He knew what it was like to get sucked into bad memories.
Denton gained on the car. A glance at the dash showed he was traveling at ninety miles an hour to catch up. Dangerously high speeds for the middle of a metropolitan area. Dangerously high speeds for anywhere.
Christopher’s eyes widened when he saw a train coming in the distance. The car in front of them kept speeding forward. He held his breath, anticipating what would happen next.
The gunman was going to try and beat the locomotive across the tracks.
He clutched the armrest.
The train barreled forward.
The car in front of them didn’t slow.
Their collision appeared more and more imminent.
Denton pressed on the brakes. “No way. I can’t do it.”
The car in front of them reached the tracks. Just as the front wheels began to cross, the locomotive engine collided with the vehicle. Metal screeched. Glass shattered. Flames exploded.
Christopher pulled Ashley’s head into his chest as a small cry escaped her. Denton’s car came to a complete stop, and they all stared at the tragedy in front of them.
A tragedy on so many levels, he couldn’t help but think. So many levels.
* * *
Ashley leaned against the car, watching the destruction around her. The scene seemed too familiar. The burning of melted metal and plastic. The loss of life. The hopelessness of feeling like she’d never find Josh and David.
It brought back fresh memories of her accident and the agonizing decisions she’d made afterward. Life was full of unexpected turns and twists. Some of those changes were good; some knocked you off balance; some seemed to seep into your soul.
Every time she looked at the mangled metal in front of her, she was pulled back in time to that horrible night when she’d been driving home from the store. She’d seen the oncoming car traveling down the two-lane road. She’d been headed to pick up David from her father’s house. Thank goodness her baby hadn’t been with her. At the last minute, the oncoming car had swerved into her lane going 45 miles an hour.
She hadn’t had the blessing of unconsciousness. No, she’d felt all the tear-inducing pain. Seen every agonizing moment as passersby tried in vain to help. She’d smelled the burning metal, tasted the blood in her mouth, heard the urgency in people’s voices.
Staring at the scene now, each limb trembled. Her breaths came too quickly. Each sound made her jump.
Christopher’s hand clamped down on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
She shrugged. “Trying to push away the bad memories—the old ones and the new ones.”
He squeezed tighter. “I understand.”
They shared a smile. If anyone understood, Christopher certainly did. “I know.” Despite the strain between them, he still acted out of integrity to help her. That meant a lot to her.
Emergency-management personnel continued to clean up the scene. No one had imagined it happening like this. That man had to have known he would die when he pulled in front of that train. He’d rather die than betray his loyalties. That was dedication. Or insanity, depending on how one wanted to look at it.
“It was a good try, Ash. We almost had them,” Christopher muttered.
Ashley shook her head. “Almost doesn’t get me any closer to Josh or David.”
“We’ll get there eventually.”
She dared to look at him. “What if it’s too late?”
“It won’t be.” He pulled her toward his chest again. She didn’t fight him. If he wanted to hold her up, then so be it. She needed something to help her stand. She had her faith, but even that was starting to feel fragile. She knew God didn’t always answer prayers in the way she wanted, but that He still had a plan regardless. Right now, she was having a hard time trusting that plan.
She stepped back and cleared her throat, trying to focus her thoughts. She turned toward Denton. “What happened at the rink?”
Christopher’s hand slipped away, and she instantly missed it. Why did her heart and her mind so constantly clash?
“The FBI took one of the men into custody, but he’s not talking.”
A worse thought slammed into her mind. “Was anyone hurt?” Please, no more people hurt. There’s been too many already.
Denton shook his head. “No. Thank goodness.”
Relief washed over her heart but just for a moment. They had a man in custody, she rationalized. Maybe they’d get some information from him.